Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Day 59

Back to exercise programme full time today after my triathlon at the weekend.  Managed 2 hrs 39.47 so achieved my goal of breaking 2.40.  Looked a long shot after a difficult swim - lots of kicking and pulling back etc (all gets a bit rough) but bike was very quick and then the run's the run....Murakami lovely place - the sunset on Saturday night was off the charts.  Food also amazing - not PCP but mostly very healthy (can you really put that much weight on eating raw fish!?)

Weigh in today - 93.7 kgs now so down by just under 12 kgs since we started off...when you pick up that  amount of weight in bottles of mineral water for example, it has brought home to me what a fat waster I was...!  good it's not there any more (but the key will be to keep it off...)

Onwards and upwards.  I was concerned I would lose interest now my tri is done.  In fact the weight thing has helped - now want to get down under 90 kgs.  good luck all....

Monday, 19 September 2011

Day 50 - heresy

So, I have been doing some thinking about this whole PCP thing.  Especially because (a) there's a new group who've started, and (b) because I'm pretty amazed how much weight I've lost/changed shape.

Anyway, what I'm going to say is probably pretty heretical, but here goes anyway.  I'm a foodie.  I love food - and eating out.  Naz and I spend a LOT of our time thinking about and buying food, cooking and going out to fabulous restaurants.  I also collect wine.  And drink a lot of it.  But all that's changed on PCP!  The funny thing is I've come to a couple of conclusions.  The first is that I feel great having lost weight and I look pretty different too.  And that's good!  However, would I give up my foodie lifestyle and drinking to keep this way?  No way!  The thing is, MODERATION!  It's no good eating and eating and eating and weighing a ton - or drinking yourself to death - but good food and good wine is the essence of life in some ways.

Anyway, I appreciate that this is a bit of a ramble - I'm really enjoying PCP and I'm keeping strong - loving the exercise and my new muscles, loving even the skipping now - and the food is no problem.  BUT, when I'm finished I'm looking forward to sharing a bottle of Lafite with Naz, cooking up some pretty epic comfort food - Lasagna anyone, Boeuf Bourgignon!? and really really really enjoying it.  My children have just sat and ate some chicken with wine, bacon and mushrooms I cooked a while back - my God it smelt good....and you just don't get that with a piece of steamed fish.  So there!

So for anyone new to PCP who's wondering what they've let themselves in for - I'd say keep strong, and think of it as training - as Patrick says - and let yourself be institutionalised for three months.  It's like school dinners.  But when it's over.....I for one will be getting stuck in.  Not to put on weight - and I'll definitely keep up the exercises - but to get back to enjoying something I absolutely love.

Rant over.  40 days to go!!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Holiday weekend

Finally got through to the long weekend - in Japan they're like London buses.  You wait ages for one, and then two come along at once!  Still - can't complain.  We're staying put in Tokyo this weekend and trying to get our unpacking finished.  Nearly there (except the study - can't face that yet but at least we can shut the door on it).

Given all I read about pistol squats I feel I'm missing out - it's been these that have been hurting my leg and I'm not taking any chances before my triathlon next weekend.  My bad leg has just about healed so I don't want to knacker it again.  A friend who was supposed to be doing the tri managed to fracture his toe last weekend running upstairs - so you can't be too careful!!

Anyway - skipping is now much better.  My 15 minutes gets me to around 2000.  I'm not that quick but I can keep going.  On the weight front I'm really starting to enjoy them and see the benefits of it.  The only thing is having to get up early the whole time - but it's a habit now so we just keep at it.  Friday nights remains the hardest time in PCP for me.  A glass of wine would be soooo welcome. Still - at least I know I won't have gone off wine for life after PCP ends....just glad I will be much better at not drinking quite so much of it quite so often.  Anyway - the new MASSIVE group has started - Paddy's going to end up having 30 minute videos to do at this rate. I'm glad - cos it shows we're quite a way through.  Just think....they've got to keep going until a week before Christmas!

Anyway - good luck everyone and keep going.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Day 45

So here we are - half way!!  Did a weigh in.  now down to 96.1kgs which is in total down 9.3 - which I'm pretty pleased with.  Looking at other people's blogs, it looks like 10-15 kgs over the whole programme is the usual reduction - but I'm hoping to beat it given I had a lot to lose to start with.

Glad now we'll be able to see more of it behind us than in front of us.

Had two non PCP meals the last two days - head of the bank was in town last night and we had to go to dinner....and I was stitched up so ended up sitting next to him!  Was actually a good evening but the French food probably wasn't so good - but I just love foie gras and couldn't very well be seen eating a load of egg whites.  The wine was avoided though - although since I've stopped drinking, I have become much more sensitive to the smell of wine and the mersault smelt amazing!  Still I was pleased with myself for my abstinence.

Very true - people say the rich 'normal food' is hard on the stomach - felt a bit odd for the rest of the evening but fine today.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Day 42 (or something)

Been away for a while - too busy!  Anyway, things going good - still enjoying it all.  Back of right knee still a problem so haven't been able to do much leg work - trying to let it heal.  Hasn't stopped me skipping and given my pre PCP weight my thighs were pretty massive anyway (especially from my cycling!)

Cycled for the first time in 2 weeks today - the lack of weight and extra leg power was awesome...powered up a few hills that before would have been much tougher.  If I can get the knee issue sorted, I'm pretty pumped up for my triathlon in two weeks.

Interested to see what this week will bring..!  Good luck everyone - and keep it going!

PS.  Also enjoying the Rugby World Cup - although perhaps not so much after England's performance against Argentina - but the real class came through in the end.  Wales very unlucky not to beat the Saffers today - Saffers look past it - too many old timers up front....Wales threw it away rather than the Boks winning it.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Weigh in

So, today was a trip to the American Club, which means it's also a day to weigh in!  Good news was that I have dropped below 100kgs - down to 98.1...which means I've lost 7.3 kgs, or 16 lbs, or 1 stone and 2 lbs!  Very chuffed - I can really notice it now and it makes sticking to PCP that much easier.  Trouble is, my work suit trousers are getting a bit tricky as they need extra pleats...but it's a nice problem to have.

Friday was a really tough day - it's been a busy week at work and by Friday I was totally knackered.  Struggled through my work out (which I always do first thing - which means before 6am at the moment) and then felt a bit ropey all day.  Naz wanted to go to a wine tasting in our building in the evening - which was a social thing rather than a boozing session! - but I was sorely tempted by a glass of champers that was sitting there looking at me.  Still - managed to resist, and then after 10 hours solid kip, felt like a new penny today.  Workout was left until late afternoon, and skipping and weights were all much much better - even managed a few more sets.

Going for a run tomorrow rather than skipping - I need to get back into running as I have a triathlon in 3 weeks....the fitness is there no probs but it's a question of remembering what to do!

Still - all in all a good day and I'm pumped up for cracking on next week.  Next weight goal is sub 95kgs...