Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Skipping (as we call it in England)

I am not lacking motivation for PCP - I'm generally enjoying it and whilst I'm looking forward to the end, the number of people who comment on my changed shape make it all worthwhile....

This one's about skipping though and is for people who have just started PCP or who are thinking of doing it.  When I started, I was pretty crap.  I stuck with it though and deliberately didn't do runs or swims or whatever instead of skipping.  I gradually got better.  Patrick doesn't 'recommend' equipment, but I started with an Asics plastic ultra lightweight rope and that was ok but not great.  I switched to a Nike Speed Rope about three weeks ago and it's been a revelation.  To start with it was hell - my shoulders killed me and my arms ached all over!  I've stuck at it though and now I can bang out thousands of jumps in a row - and I'm really enjoying skipping and it will definitely stay with me post PCP.  I get that this is a personal preference thing, but I really struggled to know where to start with jump ropes when I started and so I thought the above might help!

Also did weigh in....91.1kgs so now down 14.2kgs.  Body fat %age down over 10% since the start....

1 comment:

  1. WOW, that's some serious weight and body fat % loss, nice work!!!

    recently saw the nike speed rope at a friend's house and felt light and nimble, so wanted to give it a try. glad to hear it's worked well for you.
