So here we are - half way!! Did a weigh in. now down to 96.1kgs which is in total down 9.3 - which I'm pretty pleased with. Looking at other people's blogs, it looks like 10-15 kgs over the whole programme is the usual reduction - but I'm hoping to beat it given I had a lot to lose to start with.
Glad now we'll be able to see more of it behind us than in front of us.
Had two non PCP meals the last two days - head of the bank was in town last night and we had to go to dinner....and I was stitched up so ended up sitting next to him! Was actually a good evening but the French food probably wasn't so good - but I just love foie gras and couldn't very well be seen eating a load of egg whites. The wine was avoided though - although since I've stopped drinking, I have become much more sensitive to the smell of wine and the mersault smelt amazing! Still I was pleased with myself for my abstinence.
Very true - people say the rich 'normal food' is hard on the stomach - felt a bit odd for the rest of the evening but fine today.
wow, down over 9 kgs already! jealous that you got to enjoy the foie but congrats on holding off the wine~ great work and keep it up for the 2nd half!!