Monday, 22 August 2011

Fighting on

Been a while since my last post - Naz and I were away for the weekend (or tried to go away) but all in all it was a bit of a shocker - bad weather and a trip to the beach never really works that well.  Also found out first hand how hard it is to go away and stick to the PCP diet properly...managed to avoid carbs etc and to have grilled stuff but restaurants always go for tons of oil etc in one way or another!  Anyway, got back to Tokyo yesterday and the very unseasonable rain...but meant we spent the afternoon cooking cooking cooking.  More vegetables than you can shake a stick at in our fridge.  God knows how our sewage system copes.  Anyway - week four starts, and that's three weekends without so much as a look at a glass of red.  Slightly amazed I don't miss it more.  The only real time was going out for dinner whilst in Shimoda - and there it wasn't that much of a deal...and the weekends seem so much longer...there I was laste night wiring up my new back up system (and no I'm not some sort of tech geek) and it worked..!

Anyway, I'm enjoying the exercises and I've cracked the skipping...despite what Patrick says, I reckon polished concrete the best surface as the thing that was hardest was rhythm and that was impacted by the rope sticking to the carpet !  Looking through this week's exercises, I'm filled with a horrid fascination....Creeps.  What sort of exercise is called 'creeps'!?  Anyway, I'm always up for something new.

Good luck PCPers - I am sufficiently into this now that I feel like I'm in some sort of fat camp without actually being locked up.  And I've consistently managed to turn down work lunch invitations on the basis of my 'special diet....'.  It will end...oh yes it will.....

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree that smooth surfaces are way to go for skipping. I just discovered the same thing. Alex
